About Us - Greg & Shirley, Co-founders

Our Mission Statement
Helping others Live Divine by:
- Providing the best curated olive oil, balsamic, & specialty food items in the world.
- Encouraging healthy eating.
- Building Divine relationships with customers through educational and exhilarating tasting experiences.
How Our Story Began
Many years ago we traveled to Hilton Head Island, SC to enjoy the Christmas & New Years holidays just as we had done for many years. During one of our anticipated “Date Nights” of this trip, we took in dinner and a show at the famous “Jazz Corner” dinner club on the island. Upon our arrival at the Jazz Corner we noticed a neighboring storefront that had numerous shiny, stainless steel objects (called “Fustis”) that could be seen through the window! Being the curious people that we are, we entered and found ourselves in a small olive oil store on Hilton Head Island. After spending a few hours in that store, our love and appreciation for authentic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic was born.
Over the following years, the growing stress of our jobs caused us to wish we could once again be in business for ourselves. Remaining open to God’s guidance, we began to investigate if a gourmet olive oil store would be suitable for us. We finally became convinced through Divine direction that this type of business was for us, so we attempted to purchase the Hilton Head olive oil store. That purchase never consummated, but we realized that God only intended to light our fire so we would start our own business right here at home in N.E. Tennessee.
Fast forward to 2014, and we welcome you to our “Infinitely Divine” piece of work known as Olive Oil Divine, purposefully created by us to be independently owned and operated.
Greg and Shirley each have unique professional backgrounds bringing a combined 75+ years of experience to Olive Oil Divine. Previously owner/operators of a print manufacturing business, their specialized business and trade skills, along with their real-life experiences, have equipped them for the task of starting and operating Olive Oil Divine. They give full credit to God for bringing them to this point in their lives that allows them the resources and knowledge to start up this new business from scratch.
“We know where our blessings come from, and we are not ashamed to let everyone know it!"